When a girlfriend suggested that the two of us, accompanied by our 3 other girlfriends, take a trip down memory lane, I was completely up for it. That was until I discovered that her intent was for us all to go to the Westlife concert. I said yes immediatly, but must admit I had some concerns later on. I mean, Westlife? Isn't exactly the epitomy of cool. My taste in music lies more along the lines of Adele and Newton Faulkner these days, something with a nice simple acoustic guitar. Far from the image of matching suits and step routines that a Westlife concert produces.
But, despite my inhibitions, we purchased the tickets, and off we went last night. It was glorious day, weather wise, and a nice cold bottle of Bulmers was the perfect way to start off the girly evening out. A short (if not extremely giggly and teen-like) train ride later, and we found ourself in the bustling city, wandering around, not quite sure if we were at the right Luas stop, or walking in the right direction .... I hate to admit it, but I think the city-girl aspect of my personality is starting to dwindle, too much time spent smelling cow dung from the yard next door methinks.
Anyhoo, we finally made it to the O2 arena .... ah memories from the days we used to call it the Point depot, and it vaguely smelled of dry ice, mouldy carpets and popcorn .... We had standing tickets, which worked out perfectly as the standing area was pretty small, so you were guaranteed a pretty good view no matter where you stood. Of course it was full to the brim with 7 year olds, accompanied with fathers looking like they wished to be at home with a beer and the match. But, none the less, the atmosphere was electric,and everyone was in great form.
Donning our €5 pink flashy hats bought outside the arena (the height of fashion, dont you know), the concert started, and we found ourselves thrown back to being 10 years old. The stage was full of colourful balloons, equally coloutful backdrops, and Yes, there was matching outfits and dance routines. And guess what. It Was BRILLIANT!! The 4 lads were full of energy, were pitch and key perfect, and put on a great performance. Us girlies sang every song together, bopped every minute away, and had a complete blast. I must admit, there were tears shed by some over enthusiastic girls, and we didnt exactly go that far. It was topped off with a trip on Dublin City's attempted version of the London Eye, pretty impressive I have to say. The city never looks better than at 11 on a bustling Friday night, high on life. In a nutsell it was an amazing girls night out.
Isn't it funny how going to a concert and singing songs from your childhood brings back memories that you had completely forgotten, and at the same time creates a night that is impossible to forget.
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