Honey, I've Drugged The Cat

I havent mentioned this on this blog yet, but we got a bit of bad news a while back about one of the two cats we have. Poor Suki, at the fine age of 5, has cancer. Not the 'she looks fine' type. No. I mean the huge rotting tumor in her side which is as big as a large tennis ball and ..... no further than that will simply cause retching. Needless to say, its not good. 

But we have toddled along with it. We know she will die sooner rather than later, and it wont be a pretty one, but we are trying to give her the best we can while she is here. 

But this post is nothing to do with the dying kitty in the kitchen. Oh no. That would be too simple.

I woke up this morning, toddled into the kitchen to say good morning to the mother, and when I went into the attached utility room I found the little cat, Jasper, in the dog's bed. Now this is far from unusual, but something was awry. I went to pet him and I was met with this almighty howl. I hadn't even touched the bugger! 

'I think he has a broken leg. Maybe he landed wrong when jumping out of a tree', my mom explained. How a cat which rarely goes out the door let alone climb a tree, succeed in falling from it and defy the old belief that 'cats always land on their feet' is beyond me. 

'I really cannot handle another injured cat' my mom moaned. 

Later that morning I came home from a trip into the docs (been dying with everything going for the past month, customers are not impressed with the constant sniffling). I decided to take a look into the patient in the utility room, and I found his on his back, paws resting on his chest, and fast asleep. 

Awww I thought, doesnt he look cute. I went to the bathroom, walked around, even opened the fridge beside him, which usually brings the prospect of milk on a saucer. Not a budge on him.

'Mom? Jasper seems really tired' 

'Ye, about that .... I gave him some of Suki's painkillers..... we may not see him for the rest of the week ..... 
Its not as if I can fish them out now can I?' 

Oh boy.