And .... Life Resumes

So, its been a looonnngggg time, but I have an excuse, I swear. Well, I have been working  A LOT!!! Been doing the full 40 hours a week, plus a 120 hour TEFL course, which took up a lot more time than I thought. So now, with the whole TEFL thing finished last Friday (wooooo) I can now get back to actually having a life!

I am still working the whole 40 hours a week thing, and finding it quite difficult I must admit (there is only a certain amount of time one can remain interested in the antics of the sickeningly rich), but there is light at the end of the tunnel ..... college starts this day next week!!!!! So that means an endless amount of tea while drowning in seas of 'critically acclaimed' works of literature (note the ''s) and fun filled nights of cheap drink promos and little Maynoothian discos ..... CANT WAIT! Last year of college sounds like its gonna be a friggin blast!

I have also made the big move outta the nest, and have left the mother and father and animal antics behind in place of student life in a house filled by Playdo Soc people :-) its mad craic lads! Yes I must admit I miss the mother's cooking, it was bloody handy after a day's work, but I return home on a regular basis to be fed, watered and generally babied. Difficult to foresee how the mother will take the whole change of scene when it really starts to sink in (the sis has also uprooted to save the world (inbetween drinking sessions) in UCD's General Nursing course), but I imagine it will be a sequence consisting of tears and lots of wine and movies, followed by replacement of children with animals, and then a resolution of finding a new and better life by way of some governmental course or epiphany, ending with me arriving home one day to find my room transformed into a pole dancing studio complete with strobe lights and surround sound system ..... ok maybe I took it a lil far there, but u get where I'm going with it .....

Anyway, dossy college life has very nearly resumed, and after a summer of non stop working my lazy artsy ass off, I say BRING IT ON!!