
I miss writing.

Its basically the only reason I am sitting here typing away.

I watched a movie tonight. I am a sucker for them. But this one was one of those that will stick with me I think. It was called 'Julie and Julia' and was about a young(ish) Amy Adams who found herself stuck in a life she considered boring and unfulfilled. She decided to shake things up a bit. Most people get a new job, or improve their sex life (usually involving an ambitious read of 50 shades and the purchase of some scary looking leather), but Amy decided that was all too overdone. No. She was going to cook 500 and something recipes in 365 days. Sounds boring right? But it took off. Suddenly her life wasn't as boring as she thought it was, and she realised other people found her interesting, and cooking saved her.

I feel writing sort of saves me. It clears the head, you know?

Walking through Dublin city the other day, I sat myself down in one of my favourite spots; St Stephen's Green. Ultimate people watching location. It struck me, as it often does when I make a visit to the big smoke, how interesting people are. They are from little towns or big cities, they have lots of sisters and brothers, or grew up in foster homes. Their favourite food is sushi, or pizza, or marshmallows simply because they remind them of a camp-fire kiss after a few too many home brewed beers. They married someone they love, or someone they hate, or someone they really don't know. They have decades of stories and memories and thoughts. They go about living what they usually consider to be mediocre lives, but to the person next to them who considers their own life to be mediocre, they are anything but mediocre. There is really nothing mediocre about the lives and thoughts of anyone.

I personally have been working away in retail when I am not travelling too and from England to visit the other half, and have recently been accepted to Trinity College Dublin to begin a Masters of Education (English and History) in September. I shouldn't feel like that is mediocre and boring. That isn't mediocre. That's pretty interesting. So why am I not writing? The answer is, there is no reason why I shouldn't be. I have simply forgotten to push out the word 'mediocre'. I do and see and think interesting stuff every week, and judging from the work load of a student teacher, I am going to have a pretty interesting, albeit stressful, life come September.

So, I am writing again. About what? I don't know. Maybe the bird man in the park. Or the book on the bedstand that has been calling me for the past 4 months. Or maybe I will cook ..... Ok let's not get too carried away.
