Eurovision Fever

Eurovision fever has set in!!! My mother never really understands my interest in the competition, but ever year it never fails to entertain. The trick, I always find, is to not take it seriously.

One must always expect certain things. For example,
1. The presenters will always be animated, fake and usually wear some ridiculously dress/suit.
2. The singers will smile waaaayyyyy too much.
3. And there will always be one song which makes you cringe .... see Ireland's entry this year for more details.

But this year, myself and the old man sat with a beer and, armed with a pen and paper (twitter for me), we compiled a list of our 10 from the 19 semi-finalists. Miraculously, 8 out of our 10 passed the post!! We should have made a trip to the bookies first. Personally, I like Finland's entry (see first link below), along with Serbia (see second link below). Serbia is really working the swinging sixties feel!!

Roll on Thursday is all I say, ah I do hope us Irish dont make a fool of ourselves. Its a catchy song, check it out below .... Wow we really are working the links tonight people!!