Ah.... Love Is In The Air

Im sure many of you just clicked this thinking that you were about to get some juicy gossip regarding my love life or the life of some other unsespecting induvidual. I am sorry to disappoint you.

I am in fact making reference to the month that is arriving, for it is traditionally the month of love. Although I have a slightly different approach, for I feel it is more the month of retail's severe need to recover from the January slump in sales following the over-indulgent christmas period, and so they feel the need to create another expensive public holiday, one which people feel obliged to participate in. I know that you are thinkin, 19 and so pessimistic. Wrong! I am simply proposing that romance be inexpensive and not just allocated to one random day in the year. Forget about the cheesy overpriced flowers boys, a nice homemade dinner (scrap that if you're friendly with your kitchen extinguisher, takeaway will do in that case) or a bottle of wine (I recommend Mateus Rose, or Lidl's Lambrusco if your not a big wine drinker, its sooooo nice and equally as cheap, only €2.70 a bottle!!) and that with a nice soppy movie will do just fine. Its the thought that counts really.

Oh that brings me nicely onto my next train of thought, which is naturally linked to the above ; Romeo and Juliet was on Film 4 tonight. Now i know as an English student I am obliged to say that it is a good play (not one of Bill's best in my opinion, I am partial to Hamlet) but Leo in that film, girls you know what I mean..... hubba hubba..... [she coughs pulling herself out of dream world] Ok i know its as soppy as it gets, but isnt escapism and illogical love just nice sometimes. Why would we want to look at real life all the time, we have enough of that with the X factor and Dancing On Ice!

So to conclude, I have found a few nice ideas for Valentines Day if you're feeling a lil bit romantic and (like any other person these days) a lil bit broke.There is loads more if you just google "inexpensive valentines day ideas".  Here is the link to a few pages on the subject



Dont be put off by the wedding thing, and I particularly like the stuff on the creative homemaking page.

If you want to get an actual present, I recommend somthing they would actually like, for example I think if you make up a lil voucher/card thing that allows them to have one day where you wait in them hand and foot, or make one for a pamer day and include a few lil home pamper treatments (you can get them real cheap in pharmacies). Like I said, dump the flowers and chocolates, be original, it will mean a whole lot more.